IMPACT Europe News Digest [#16]
Welcome to the sixteenth instalment of the IMPACT Europe news digest. Through this series, the IMPACT Europe team will endeavour to present you with a selection of news, commentaries, journals articles and web materials relating to research and policy developments touching on the subject matters underpinning IMPACT Europe’s project’s mission. To receive the latest updates on IMPACT Europe’s research, dissemination and outreach activities you can follow our Twitter account (@impacteurope) or sign up to our quarterly newsletter through our homepage.
The contribution of youth work to preventing marginalisation and violent radicalisation
A practical toolbox for youth workers & recommendations for policy makers
This document presents the results and findings of the expert group set up under the European Union Work Plan for Youth for 2016-2018. The expert group, consisting of policymakers, researchers and practitioners, was tasked with developing a holistic understanding of the role of youth work in promoting active citizenship, and in preventing marginalisation and violent extremism. The concrete proposals that follow from the work of the expert group are based on a three-level prevention model which distinguishes between: 1) generic prevention work among all youth, which indirectly helps to build their resilience to violent extremist ideologies and groups; 2) targeted prevention among youth who have already shown interest in, or made contact with, violent extremist groups; and 3) indicated prevention which targets youth who are already engaged in a violent extremist group and who are open to, or wishing to receive, support to disengage. The document comprises a Toolbox which gives practical guidance on the skills and capabilities youth workers should have, and on the strategies and activities that are most appropriate for prevention work at different levels. The document offers further strategic recommendations for policymakers at the local, national, regional and European level.
Link: [link]
Understanding Deradicalization: Methods, Tools and Programs for Countering Violent Extremism
Daniel Koehler
In this book, the author puts forward a theory of radicalisation and deradicalisation based on existing scholarship. Based on the proposed model, Koehler offers a typology of existing deradicalisation programs, examining their methods, mechanisms, key actors involved and effects. Case studies of specific cases of radicalisation and deradicalisation are offered to further the reader’s understanding of the topic. Through this explanatory model and review of the state of the art, the author aims to help policymakers understand how deradicalisation programs may work, in what conditions, and how their effectiveness may be evaluated.
Link: [link]
Applying Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation Strategies to Emerging Programming Approaches to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism
Lillie Ris and Anita Ernstrofer
This briefing paper, developed by CDA Collaborative Learning Projects in partnership with the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium (PEC), explores the methodological challenges known to limit the design, monitoring and evaluation of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) strategies. With the aim of helping P/CVE programmers and evaluators to mitigate these challenges, and thereby to expand and improve the evidence base around P/CVE practice, the authors identify approaches used in peacebuilding and development programming which might be successfully applied in P/CVE. In particular, the authors focus on potential solutions for: i) program design challenges; ii) developing sound and useful M&E frameworks; and iii) data collection challenges. These methodological discussions are framed by a broader consideration of the policy environment in which P/CVE efforts are funded and designed, highlighting key areas for further critical enquiry.
Link: [link]
Preventing violent extremism through education: A guide for policymakers
In this guide, UNESCO offers a synthesis of current thinking and good practice according to experts working to prevent violent extremism through education. The guide was developed to support practitioners with policymaking, programming, and management roles throughout the formal education sector. It is also considered relevant for those providing education and youth support outside of the school environment. UNESCO’s guide focusses on five main dimensions of education to prevent violent extremism, these are (i) inclusion, (ii) resilience, (iii) partnership, (iv) procedures, and (v) safety and wellbeing. The document explains how each dimension may contribute to the prevention of violent extremism, and is further enriched with case studies discussing established practices and signposting to further resources. Finally, the guide explores cross-cutting implementation issues and guiding principles, and concludes with responses to some of the most frequently asked questions by practitioners in the field.
Link: [link]
- Building Resilience to Radicalisation and Violent Extremism II
Strong Cities Network Global Summit 2017
17-19 May 2017, Aarhus, Denmark
[Link] - Preventing and tackling violent extremism – what works best?
IMPACT Europe conference
31 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
[Link] - Prevention and Integration
22nd German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) with the 11th Annual International Forum (AIF)
19-20 June 2017, Hannover, Germany
[Link] - Advanced Summer Programme on Countering Terrorism: Legal Challenges and Dilemmas
Organised by the Asser Institute and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT)
28 August – 1 September 2017
[Image shared by Dean Hochman via Flickr; CC BY 2.0]