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Helping practitioners understand what works best in tackling different types of violent radicalisation
Two new partner organisations
IMPACT Europe consortium partners are delighted to welcome two new partner organisations from the end user spectrum to its ranks. Cultures Interactive e.V. was founded in 2002 in Berlin, Germany, with the aim of targeting right wing extremism and Neonazism and is currently engaged in a range of national and EU projects on best practice research, including through the Radicalisation Awareness Network. SSP Sorø is part of the municipality administration of Sorø Kommune in Denmark, which constitutes a cooperation of schools, social administration, and police (SSP), and has spearheaded early prevention of extremism in Demark in recent years.
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IMPACT Europe project meeting in Brussels
IMPACT Europe consortium meets in Brussels for project meeting and progress update with the European Commission
On 21-22 May 2015, IMPACT Europe consortium partners met in Brussels, Belgium, for a project meeting and a project review with the European Commission. At the project meeting, participants took stock of the progress made with regard to developing the IMPACT Europe evaluation toolkit and the training material accompanying the evaluation toolkit. At the project review meeting, IMPACT Europe consortium partners provided the European Commission with a comprehensive update on progress made with regard to meeting IMPACT Europe’s objectives since the project’s launch in January 2014.

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IMPACT Europe at UKES conference
IMPACT Europe team presents at the annual UKES conference in London
IMPACT Europe researchers moderated a session on ‘Measuring Impact and Evaluating Performance in Complex Settings’ at the annual conference of the UK Evaluation Society, also presenting some of IMPACT Europe’s latest findings and outputs. The conference, which took place in London on 14 May 2015, invited evaluation researchers from across the globe to explore the influence of evaluations on programme and policy development and to identify innovative methodologies and alternative approaches to impact evaluation.

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IMPACT Europe toolkit design workshop in Brussels
Second IMPACT Europe toolkit design workshop took place in Brussels
The second of two IMPACT Europe toolkit design workshops took place in Brussels, Belgium, on 25 February 2015, providing the IMPACT Europe team with a valuable opportunity to discuss current counter violent radicalisation interventions and their evaluation with practitioners from Belgium and Germany. The findings of the two toolkit design workshops, of which the first took place in Cambridge, United Kingdom, in December 2014, were organised with the aim of embedding a practitioner perspective into the IMPACT Europe evaluation toolkit.

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Get involved in IMPACT Europe
IMPACT Europe logo For IMPACT Europe to be able to successfully identify and communicate what works best in countering violent radicalisation, it is important to have input from a wide range of practitioners and professionals actively involved with programmes tackling this issue. By engaging with IMPACT Europe, you will therefore have the opportunity both to help create and to benefit from state of the art evaluation techniques for counter violent radicalisation programmes while also networking with international peers. Get in touch to learn more about the ways in which you and your organisation can be involved.

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Funding from the European Union
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 312235. View in browser | Unsubscribe