IMPACT Europe at Experts Workshop on Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation for CVE
Between 6 and 8 March, Joanna Hofman of RAND Europe contributed to an expert workshop on Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). The workshop took place in Ottowa, Canada, and was organised by Hedayah and the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).
Participants attending the workshop represented a broad range of professional backgrounds and expertise in CVE and evaluation, and hailed from different regional and national contexts. Over the three days, participants discussed the state-of-the art in monitoring, measurement and evaluation of P/CVE interventions.
On the first day of the workshop, Ms Hofman presented the work conducted by the IMPACT Europe consortium for developing an online evaluation toolkit that provides practical guidance for evaluating CVE interventions. Ms Hofman shared her reflections on developing a logic model for CVE interventions, as well as her learning around the guiding principles and considerations to take into account when developing an interactive online tool for CVE practitioners. Ms Hofman followed her presentation with a live demonstration of how the IMPACT Europe evaluation toolkit can be used by practitioners and stakeholders.
Other workshop sessions focussed on the use of Theory of Change-based approaches to evaluating CVE programs, and on illustrative case studies that may further the CVE community’s collective understanding of promising practice in the field. The output of the Expert Workshop is expected to be made publically available and will offer CVE practitioners relevant resources and tools for improving the monitoring, measurement and evaluation of their programs.