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Helping practitioners understand what works in tackling different types of violent radicalisation
IMPACT Europe toolkit training session in Vienna with OSCE
On Friday 11 March 2016, the IMPACT Europe team ran a training session in Vienna, presenting the project’s evaluation toolkit for counter-violent-extremism programmes. The audience of this event included a number of project and policy officers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), as well as representatives from other national and local-level organisations and agencies.
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Second IMPACT Europe consortium meeting
Second IMPACT Europe consortium meeting
On 10 and 11 May 2016, IMPACT Europe consortium partners and advisory board members gathered in Brussels for the 2016 IMPACT Europe consortium meeting. The consortium meeting provided participants with an opportunity to engage in a comprehensive stock taking of progress made so far with regard to meeting IMPACT Europe’s objectives.

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Preventing Violent Extremism
A Summary of the Geneva Conference on PVE
In April 2016 the United Nations Office in Geneva and the Government of Switzerland co-hosted a conference under the title Preventing Violent Extremism: The Way Forward. The goal of this event was that of bringing together the international community to exchange experiences and lessons learned in preventing radicalisation and violent extremism. You can find a summary of this event on our website through the link below.

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Media and outreach activities
IMPACT Europe news digest
Through the button below you can access the archives of the IMPACT Europe news digest. Through this series, the IMPACT Europe team endeavours to present you with a selection of news, commentaries, and journals articles discussing research and policy developments in the issue areas underpinning the project’s work.

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Get involved in IMPACT Europe
IMPACT Europe logo For IMPACT Europe to be able to successfully identify and communicate what works in countering violent radicalisation, it is important to have input from a wide range of practitioners and professionals actively involved with programmes tackling this issue. By engaging with IMPACT Europe, you will therefore have the opportunity both to help create and to benefit from state of the art evaluation techniques for counter violent radicalisation programmes while also networking with international peers. Get in touch to learn more about the ways in which you and your organisation can be involved.

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Image credits: Vienna shared by Miroslav Petrasko, Atomic shared by Matt B and Geneva Conference on preventing Violent Extremism shared by UN Geneva, via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
Funding from the European Union
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 312235. View in browser | Unsubscribe